Sunday, September 30, 2012

Working for the (3-day) Weekend

My new job with the Town of Gilbert is going very well, and the best part is I get 3-day weekends!  Though the days are 10 hours long instead of eight, I still find myself wishing there were more hours in a day.  My new co-workers are very friendly and encouraging.  Just last week, I walked back to my desk from a shoot, and I found this on my chair:

One of our assistant town managers made it for me after I finished a video about our Town Manager's Year in Review.  At first, I was reluctant to voice my own stories like I did as a reporter, but it turns out everyone loves it!  So, I'll probably be doing it more often.

As far as project go, I'm working on several at the same time.  Some of my favorites so far have been the opening of a new environmentally-friendly fire station, and the town's 9-11 ceremony, which got more than 300 views on youtube in just a couple of days.

Our communications team is still building up our fan base on facebook and twitter where I post stories, as well as the local newspaper's neighborhood page and our public access channel.  We're growing our readership quickly!

Drew and I still live on I-10 between Gilbert and Tucson for now, but not for long!