Friday, December 7, 2012

Making Progress

I am now 4 months into my new job and even though I left the news business, I can't seem to stay out of the media.  Our communications department is a unique one, with positions new to the government workforce, but I foresee others following quickly.  It's exciting not only for those of us on the digital communications team, but the local media and other municipalities are showing interest too.  Last month, we got an article in the Gilbert Republic.
This week, we had another article in Go Gilbert Magazine, with a spotlight on my position.  It's weird to be on the other side of the interview.  You can read the full article in their online edition of the magazine here.

Originally, I thought life in the government sector would be far slower than it was working in news, but I'm actually finding it very exciting.  I'm about to embark on my first business trip to Chicago to shoot a video on an economic development project, and I just wrapped up an extensive project on the town's new Mission, Vision, and Values where our department created a video, posters, logos, and re-branded the town's appearance.  This is the first long video I've created so far, (by long I mean 7 minutes, which in news time is a century) and I learned how to create all of the graphics to go with it.  I know it's not Spielberg or anything, but it's a start, right?