Saturday, March 16, 2013

From Spring to Summer in a Day

It seems like Arizona really only has two seasons:  Cold, and hot.  One of those seasons is much longer than the other.  This week, our high temperatures graced the 70's and 80's, and then settled into the 90's.  The flowers are blooming and the plants are turning a temporary shade of green so I guess we could call this Spring, but I think the rest of the country has a different word for it. 
Nonetheless, this time of year is when the weather just begs you to get outside.  It inspired Drew to buy a remote-control boat for the pond near our house, and last weekend we all met at the park to play with that boat and with Max of course.  He is adjusting very well to his new home, and he is feeling 100% after getting over an ear infection and kennel cough.  While he doesn't show very much interest in toys and he's a wallflower at the dog park, we're working on some new tricks:

Max is also great at running. He (and I) have been running about 2 miles every other day around the canal and pond near our house.  It's a great way to get him out and about to exercise, and to take advantage of this great weather.  While it lasts.