Friday, June 7, 2013

Sled Vs. Blocks of Ice: An AZ Childhood Experience

Every now and then when I speak to an Arizona native, I find myself in foreign territory when it comes to childhood experiences.  I spent my winters sledding in the backyard, my summers catching fireflies or going to the beach.  For a child growing up in the desert, life can be a little different.  There aren't many fireflies around here, and the closest beaches are across the Mexican border.  It's a far contrast from the Jersey Shore and the boardwalk I came to know so well.  During a recent conversation, the Arizonans referenced something I'd never heard of before as if it were a universal childhood activity: Ice-Blocking.

What is ice-blocking?

To me, it appears to be a sad excuse for a sledding experience, only it's done in the summer.  Take a block of ice, find a hill, and commence.  Here's a pretty accurate example:

Prior to this conversation, I didn't even know one could actually purchase a big block of ice aside from maybe an ice sculptor who I just assumed bought their supply online or something.  I'd honestly never thought to look into it before, but apparently they're available at any regular convenience store.  I guess I missed that section?  I know they sold bags of ice, but I swear I've never seen it come in large blocks.

Just as I was contemplating giving this experience a try, I found out the activity is now banned.  I guess the authorities didn't think careening downhill on a slippery, rapidly-melting mode of transportation was the safest idea for kids.  Either way, I think I'd rather go sledding.