Saturday, April 5, 2014


Time is flying by and our baby boy is already two months old! He's hit every developmental milestone for a 2-month-old so far, and in true Bautista fashion he is going above and beyond to meet a few of the 4-month milestones, including bearing weight on his legs in a standing position and rolling over.

Right now, Baby B's life is full of firsts.  Unfortunately, he caught his first cold a few weeks ago, but he's better now! He also rolled over for the first time on March 24th, and has done it several times since.  A couple of days later, he started smiling back at us for the first time!  He moves so quickly it's hard to catch on camera, but I got a few good ones:

You can see his little personality starting to show.
Baby B likes: bathtime, music, stories, his gym, tummy time, stroller rides, car rides, mirrors, and his hands.
He dislikes: naps, bright lights and dirty diapers.

This week is another first: meeting his Uncle Phil, Aunt Leo, and his twin cousins!