Saturday, May 3, 2014


When I was a kid, my mom sang all the time.  We sing to the radio in the car like lots of people do, but she also constantly sang made up songs around the house.  She'd sing about any menial task from doing the dishes to folding laundry.  I always thought it was a personality quirk. Now I realize, it's because she had kids.

Baby B loves listening to music and it often calms him down or eases transitions or just enhances playtime.  It's resulted in a very "Glee" lifestyle.  I find myself singing all of the time whether it's a lullaby to help him nap, a song and dance to make him smile, or my favorite- a made up tune desperately sung to distract him from crying.  This is where the improvisation skills really come into play as I create such hits as, "Let's get Dressed," or "It's Sleepytime," or the more impatient remixed version, "Why Won't You Sleep."  The worst part is when my own made up songs get stuck in my head, causing me to mumble out loud in public, phrases like, "Watch your mobile while I go to the bathroooooom."

As much as my singing makes him smile, his newly found giggle is truly music to my ears.   At three months, he is a strong healthy baby with an ability to learn so quickly that I find it amazing.  We are now enrolled in a music class called Musicology and he loves it! Well, he loves the parts of class he participates in while he's awake.  Let's just say he's not the best student yet.  He must get that from daddy.

At three months, B likes: color contrast books, flying like superman, his soft teddy bear, looking at his feet, and making new friends.

He dislikes: naps, the blender, sneezes, and Postino after 7pm.