Tuesday, July 8, 2014


There's a reason no one remembers being a baby.  It's hard. It's confusing. And, it seems pretty painful and frustrating a lot of the time.  Imagine having to shriek every time you go to the bathroom simply so you won't have to sit in your own filth, or twisting and turning to get to sleep because your muscles aren't quite strong enough to get you positioned comfortably. Or worse yet- growing teeth.
Having gone through labor without an epidural, I can honestly say I know my pain threshold pretty well. That being said, I still hate the dentist and believe that any teeth-related pain I've had is up there with the worst pain ever.  I'm so glad I don't remember actually growing them.  Baby B is now 5 months old, and he's embarking on that wonderful journey.  At first, it was hard to tell if his occasional increased fussiness was caused by teething. Soon we started to see some clear signs.  

Increased Drooling:

Biting toys:

Biting... pretty much anything:

At 5 months old, Baby B likes: biting things, blankets, Max, drumming, eating, and bath time.
He dislikes: sleeping, sitting still, dirty diapers and being buckled in.
Even though teething has been rough at times, he still usually looks like this :)