Monday, September 8, 2014


Drew and I did the math.  A lot of math. The first numbers we ran- the fact that we've each moved at least every two years for the past decade. Packing up everything we own in boxes, trucking it to the next destination, setting it back up carefully to avoid permanently damaging the drywall.  I haven't had a place to return to every night and really call home since I was 18. Well, I'm happy to say we've packed for the last time in the foreseeable future.
We're home.

And we own it! I can damage the drywall if I want! It was a move several months in the making, between visiting a dozen houses, applying for a loan, negotiating a price, and since we still had nearly a month left on our lease by closing, we were able to paint and prep everything the way we wanted- confusing our dog and baby every step of the way. Finally the day came when we packed them up as well, and settled in. *

Our new home is a four-bedroom in a nice neighborhood with two parks and a community pool all less than a block away. It's got a grass backyard, which in Arizona can be hard to come by.  I'm so excited to think that Baby B will be growing up in a great neighborhood with great schools, in a safe environment with several neighbors around his own age. He's pretty excited about his new playroom.

 At 7 months, Baby B Likes... crawling, standing, climbing, eating, laughing, swimming, Mickey Mouse, getting tickled, brushing his teeth, and chasing Max.

Baby B Dislikes... naptime, buckles, growing teeth, staying still, green beans, and when Mommy walks out of the room.

* No babies or dogs were actually packed or harmed in the making of this blog.