Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fall Fun

This month, Baby B had his second plane ride. Another sleepy red-eye flight, this time to my hometown in VA to visit our family, and Fall.  We had a wonderful time with Grandmama and Abuelo, Papa and Nana, Grammy (my grandmother!) uncles, aunts, and his 2-year-old twin cousins. 
Our fun-packed trip included multiple visits to farm festivals, and Baby B's first hayride!
And, baby's first visit to the nation's capital, where he tested out the new grass on the National Mall.

We returned just in time to celebrate Halloween with his other cousins. Superman had a wonderful time trick-or-treating!

At 9 months, Baby B isn't a big fan of sitting still, so this was the best photo we were able to get. He's 29 3/4 inches tall, and 19lbs 9.6oz.

Baby B likes: playing in the grass, playing with his ball, cruising, rearranging furniture, tickles, biting noses, watching his Kuya's soccer games, and playing with all of his cousins.
He dislikes: Naptime, being on his back, diaper changes, wearing pants, and strangers (especially the pediatrician)