Monday, December 8, 2014

5 Awesome Baby Gifts... and some not so awesome ones.

It's so hard to believe Baby B is already 10 months old! He amazes me every day as he continues to learn and grow so quickly. I just can't believe that in less than three weeks, we'll be celebrating his first Christmas, and before we know it, his first birthday.

With the holiday season underway, I find myself shopping not just for the usual family members and friends I give to every year, but for new adorable tiny humans, as more of my friends start families.  I like to draw upon my whole 10 months of experience, giving baby products that have been my personal favorite. For anyone who might be shopping for a little one this Christmas, here are my top 5 gifts for new moms:

1. Aden and Anais Swaddles and Sleep Sacks- In my opinion, this brand is a must-have for Arizona babies in particular. They're all muslin, breathable fabric and they've been a life-saver when it's 115 outside!
2. Milkies Milk-savers and Madela gel pads- For any breast-feeding mom, these products were worth the money, especially in the beginning months. Milkies saves milk while nursing, and the gel pads- well, they were quite a relief.  Milkies can be found in some specialty boutiques and online here.
3. The Hungry Caterpillar Teether Toy- This was a hand-me-down from Baby B's cousin, and he absolutely loves it.  He likes to bring it everywhere and it rattles so he shakes it around, although it did end up in a man's lunch at a restaurant when it accidentally flew out of his hand.  Mortifying.
4. Activity Table- We first discovered the activity table when we visited VA and my mom had bought one for him while we stayed there. Unfortunately, it wouldn't fit in our suitcase. He loved it so much, we bought another one when we came back!
5. Lillebaby All Seasons Carrier- Another great item for an Arizona arsenal, this carrier is similar to the popular Ergobaby, but has a few different features. Babies can face front, and the carrier has zip-down panels made of mesh so it's breathable. I got it in beige, so it doesn't absorb heat as much. We just went hiking with it last weekend and B had a great time.
Of course, any mom has their favorite and least favorite products and these may work or not work for other babies. In my short experience so far, I've also stumbled upon some products that I wouldn't spend my money on. Here's my list of fails:

Wipe Warmer- Okay, I might be able to understand this if you live in Minnesota and put on a parka to get the mail, but even the name of this product sounds a little over-the-top to me. Like those pet food commercials where they feed a bishon out of a crystal dish. "Anything else my liege? A spot of milk? A massage?"
Belly Bands
- Some people swear by these products meant to make your postpartum belly slim down back to normal in no time, but honestly all I was doing the first six weeks after delivery while my uterus returned to its normal size was taking care of my little one while wearing yoga pants and a spit-up covered tank, wandering around like a sleep-deprived zombie. I don't think anyone was looking at my waistline.
Baby Air Jordans- It's true, they are the tiniest and most precious little shoes you'll ever see and they're so cute you just have to buy them. Don't. Once you wrestle them on to your little one and take a picture you will never use them again.
Baby Bathroom Harness- During one of my many web-searches about baby-related topics I came across this product. I'd never heard of it before but I can tell you right now based on the picture, I will never buy it. And I'm pretty sure it's illegal in some states.

At 10 months, Baby B likes walking while holding my hands, kicking his ball, putting things in boxes and taking them out, opening and closing doors, drawers and cabinets, stacking toys, feeding himself, babbling, and so much more!
He dislikes getting dressed, diaper changes, Santa Claus, and waiting.