Thursday, January 8, 2015

First Christmas

I'll be the first to admit, one of the reasons I wanted a child was a selfish one. It's so I can re-live all of those wonderful childhood moments all over again. To see things though brand new eyes and believe in magic. There's something about Christmas that's so special when you're young, that for some reason fades with time. This year, the magic and meaning became new again as we helped Baby B pull the tissue paper out of boxes and exclaim, "ooooo" at the sight of whatever was inside. Sure, he's not quite old enough to fully appreciate it, and most of those "oooos" were actually in response to the dog's stocking full of treats and toys, but I could tell part of it was clicking for him. This day is something special. 

Santa brought Baby B's favorite toy, a scooter that you can push or ride, with a seat that opens up. Drew showed him how to ride and since then we've been pushing him around the house constantly. Wonderful gift for the baby, terrible gift for any adult's back.

We stayed in our jammies all day, playing with cousins and eating new food (including scallops- a winner!) Overall, I think baby's first Christmas was a great one!
At ELEVEN months, baby B likes... his scooter, cruising, taking the occasional step when no one but mommy is looking, reading books, pretending, building things, stacking, sorting, helping with laundry, dancing, and so much more.

He dislikes... diaper changes, runny noses, naps, Papu's sneezes, and noodles. Or maybe he likes them, he just likes throwing them on the floor better.