Sunday, March 8, 2015

Snow Day

I know all of you East-Coasters are so sick of snow storms, you probably never want to hear the words "milk, bread and toilet paper" ever again. I remember having to scrape ice off my car or shake the grey salty sleet from my shoes every time I stepped outside. There's a point where it just stops being pretty and starts being... well, like this:

Fortunately, here in Arizona the question, "do you wanna build a snowman?" is an extremely rare occurrence. Unless, you're in Flagstaff. After weeks of hearing about all of the glorious snow, and being asked if I ever missed winter, I started to. So that's exactly where we went.  Three hours in the car and we were sledding, making snowballs, breathing the crisp, pine air. We were back home in time to eat dinner outside. In shorts.

Baby B is 13 months today. Here's a look at his very first snow day: