Friday, May 8, 2015

Water Water Everywhere

Baby B is now 15 months old and already has three cross-country trips under his belt. That's what happens when half of your loved ones live on the East Coast. Luckily, he's a good traveler. This time, it was a joy to see the wonder in his eyes as the plane started moving and took off. I could tell he knew we were in that "ay pane" that we point to "up in the sky" so often in our yard, and that we were now up in the sky. He smiled during take-off and took a nice nap during the ride.

This time our destination was Florida. Having lived there for three years and Drew having grown up there, it's surprising to me what a shock it is the way we both feel after touch down. Getting off the plane, you can taste the humidity. Driving around, we pointed out the window at all of the water, the boats, the bridges. "Water! Look water!" You'd think we'd been dying of thirst out here in the desert.

We had a wonderful trip seeing family and friends. Watching these three adorable cousins hang out together, going to the zoo with his Godfather, getting in a tickle fight with Auntie Heather, and helping Uncle Steve and Auntie Morgan get engaged were just some of the highlights!

We managed to avoid most of the rain while staying at the beach, but boy did we forget about Florida's afternoon showers. We spent plenty of time swimming, splashing, getting sunburned (ok, just me) and soaking up all the water we could. But, it is nice to be back home in Arizona, the true sunshine state.

At 15 months, Baby B likes:
chasing the dog with his car, eating everything in sight, choosing a book to read for bedtime, dancing, babbling and repeating words, spinning in circles, roughhousing, and much more.

He diskiles:
Being told no.  (where did he get that?)