Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Learning a New Language

Anyone can attest, it's challenging to learn a new language. That's why I can empathize with B's frustration when he struggles to find a word or communicate when he wants something and we just aren't getting it. The empathy isn't hard to find because I'm learning a new language right now too. I'm learning toddler.

When I hear him speak, I am constantly doing translations in my head. "mik" = milk, "upease" = up please or open, "puppy" = basically anything with four legs. Including actual puppies. Imagine what it would be like to hold a conversation with a Minion.

It's been one of my favorite parts of parenting so far to see this new language sink in for him. The other day we were discussing the difference between objects that were heavy or light. I was using blocks and toy cars as examples, and the next day he picked up a full bucket and said, "heavy." It was amazing to see him completely catch the concept so quickly!
A few times we've even been pleasantly surprised when he speaks in full sentences. While outside one day, Drew said "it's hot." and B replied without hesitation in agreement, "it is hot." He copies our vocabulary, tone and context, whether it’s “okey okey” after his Lola says “okey dokey!” or “Bye! Tank you coming!” “bye, thank you for coming!” as he opens the door for an exiting guest.
Not everything he says is so clear. When I introduced blueberries, he suddenly found his new favorite food and demanded them by name. That's when I learned, "boobies" = blueberries. After trying to catch this adorable pronunciation on video and running out of blueberries, I found myself at the store the next day buying more. But, B wanted to eat them as soon as he saw them. Needless to say, I had to run out of Target holding a tantruming toddler who was screaming for "boobies" at the top of his lungs.
I guess I don't need to catch it on camera, because I'll probably remember that moment forever.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Baby B is definitely Toddler B, with the skinned knees and growing sense of independence that comes with it. He had a wonderful couple of weeks showing off his vocabulary, dance skills, and overall silliness with our family during our vacation back East!

First, Grammy, (B's great-grandmother,) traveled to Arizona, where we beat the heat visiting museums, swimming, and playing in the playroom. We had a wonderful time!

Then it was off to Virginia to celebrate the 4th of July with this adorable little firecracker (B's new cousin) and her twin sisters!

It was great to enjoy a parade, barbecue, and festival outdoors for the 4th, remembering how I'd celebrated the holiday growing up. Arizona's summer months are sweltering, and it's impossible to spend it outside before the fireworks start without a pool to cool off! B loved every second of it. So much in fact, that he didn't nap at all (no matter how hard we tried) until the middle of the fireworks show. That's right, the middle of the loud, entertaining, sparkling show... he finally had enough excitement.

At 17 months, B likes talking, dancing, eating cookies or blueberries, cars, trucks, planes, trains, reading books, watching Chuggington, giving hugs, playing with his cousins, and so much more!

He dislikes naps, waiting, and sharing.