Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Road Trip!

Labor Day Weekend is a tradition in our household. My husband and I officially became "boyfriend and girlfriend" 8 years ago during a weekend road trip, and since then have taken a trip every Labor Day with the exception of last year, when we moved into our first home. (which was an adventure in itself.)

This past weekend, we took our first family road trip- to San Diego! Baby B was a trooper during the 6-hour drive. We arrived in time to spend the day at the San Diego Zoo, see the koalas, (my favorite!) get up close and personal with an orangutan, watch a gorilla carry her baby on her back as I carried mine in the same way, (for his nap) and on our way out we let B choose his own souvenir. Despite our endorsements for the stuffed koalas, B chose a large, stuffed hippo. After exclaiming, "hippo!" he gave it kisses and proceeded to play with it the rest of the trip, snuggling it that night and feeding it some of his breakfast pancake the next morning.

The next day we headed to Sea World where the main attraction wasn't necessarily Shamu. Within the park there is a Sesame Street section, and it was there that we learned B isn't as shy with certain strangers as many would imagine. Usually in a new place, he takes a while to warm up and clings to me around people he has just met. Turns out, Muppets are an exception. He ran right up to Elmo and gave him a hug.  He even took a photo sitting between Elmo and Cookie Monster by himself. It's one of my favorite photos from our trip, second only to this one of three toddlers completely ignoring the incredibly rare and beautiful creature right behind them, because the little girl had potato chips.

In addition to potato chips and Muppets, at 19 months old, B likes... running, cars, trucks, trains, planes, boats, motorcycles, animals (or as he says it, "aminals") chasing birds, snacks, talking, puzzles, and so much more.

He dislikes... naps, being interrupted, and brushing his teeth.