Saturday, November 7, 2015

Trick or Treat Please

This month, Baby B (now Toddler B) added some new words to his ever-growing vocabulary- "Trick or treat please!" His first experience with trick-or-treating actually came the weekend before Halloween, when we attended a "Howl-O-Ween" event with friends. A portion of the zoo path was set up with doors and volunteers passing out candy to costumed children. B wore his Robin costume (I wore my batman t-shirt and his daddy was Nightwing, a reference left to the most devout of comic nerds,) and B caught on right away. As soon as he realized that his request resulted in candy, he sprinted to each door, yelling "Trick or treat please!" I ran behind, a nervous wreck that his full speed sprint would wind up in a candy-flung splatter on the pavement.  Which it did at least once. Luckily, he gave a resounding, "I'm o.k" and continued on.

The next weekend was Halloween. With a dress rehearsal under his utility belt, B was set to go with his cousins, our dog, and a wagon in tow as we traveled the block going door-to-door. It was like three adults trying to herd cats... and a dog. B had a great time sprinting from one house to another, occasionally spilling his entire bucket of candy all over strangers' yards, one cousin running ahead while Elsa climbed into the wagon, and Super Max staking claim over all of the bushes and fire hydrants in the neighborhood. At one point, I turned around to see B holding a lollipop wrapper with the biggest smile on his face. By the end of the night he was deliriously tired, sticky, and full of sugar. The traveling circus returned home with a pretty good haul.

At 21 months old, B likes: "trick or treats" which he uses to refer to any kind of candy, running, dump trucks, riding in daddy's car, sports class, play dough, play dates, playgrounds, and any other kind of playing.

He dislikes: being told no, naps, having to share, and diaper changes.