Friday, January 8, 2016

Planes, Trains, Cars and Christmas

We can’t believe 2015 has come to an end. It was a year of milestones, learning, playing, and fun family outings. The latest was a trip back East to spend Christmas with Toddler B’s grandmamma, abuelo, papa, nana, auntie, uncles, and three of his cousins.

We had so much fun enjoying the holidays in warm weather. Wait… what?

That’s right, it was warmer in Virginia than it was in Arizona the entire trip. So much for a white Christmas! Despite the unseasonably warm temps (and unseasonably cold back home) our holiday spirit stayed strong as B helped grandmama bake cookies to put out for Santa, enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner at Papa’s house, and opened presents enthusiastically Christmas morning. His excitement grew with every gift as he tore away paper to reveal matchbox cars, v-tech cars, a fire station, etc. One of the boxes was met with a little less enthusiasm as he threw off the wrapping paper, the tissue paper, and the clothes it contained and stared at the empty box inquisitively, saying, “cars missing. Where cars go?”  I wish I’d gotten that on camera.

During our trip we even had the opportunity to go into DC for a day to check out a new section of the Museum of American History. We rode the Metro (or, “train!”) and B was over the moon. Though he loved the train ride and the museum, the highlight for me was taking him and the cousins with my brother to ride the carousel on the National Mall that we used to ride when we were little. B has always been a big fan of watching, never riding the carousel, but that day he changed his mind. He got on the horse by himself and smiled ear to ear the whole time. My big boy.

Overall, we had a wonderful vacation and B was a champ during the cross-country flights as usual.  Our good little traveler will turn two next month.

As 23 months, B likes… trains, planes, cars, playing pretend, building blocks, playgrounds, playing with his cousins, singing the alphabet, running, jumping, and so much more.

He dislikes… nap time and bed time.