Monday, February 8, 2016

Terrific Two

Two years ago today, our lives changed for the better forever. It’s been filled with more love, learning, and above all, laughter. As we celebrated Toddler B’s second birthday this weekend, I couldn’t believe how quickly he’s become a running, jumping, problem-solving, chatting, joke-telling little boy. He understands so much about what’s going on around him and has a curiosity that just can’t be quenched. Occasionally, I’m taken aback by what he says or asks, or the way he raises an eyebrow while putting a puzzle piece in its place.

He’s observant and honest, and has the vocabulary to express it now, which can make for some interesting interactions. Last Friday, we were eating lunch at our usual pizza place when a man sat down at a nearby table and started eating. The next thing I know, B is pointing and telling me (with his usual lack of volume control,) “Wow, that guy is hungry!”

In another restaurant while eating dinner, B felt the need to inform our table that the lady walking by was “going to the potty!”

And, when we saw a mud-covered truck in a parking lot with the driver’s side window open, B loudly proclaimed, “That car needs a chug-wash!”  I can only hope the driver wasn’t as familiar with the phrases coined by the show Chuggington as we are. Parents of preschoolers- you understand.

Other times, he surprises me for different reasons. This week we sat down at our kitchen table to eat dinner and before I could ask the same question I never realized I asked every night, B turned to me and said with my exact inflection, “How was your day?”

I paused for a second, and then smiled. “It was good. How was yours?”

“Good mommy.”  Then, he started eating.

I’d just had a conversation with my baby boy. Of course, he’s not such a baby anymore.

Happy birthday to our terrific two-year-old!
Watch how he's grown!