Monday, March 7, 2016

The Opposite of Atkins

When it comes to food, Toddler B is as healthy and adventurous any toddler. Which means, I’m pretty sure he’s surviving on cheddar bunnies and food I tell him not to eat off the floor. I remember when he first started eating solid food and I started him on peas, moving on to squash, pureed kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, sweet potato and more. It was my plan to make him fall in love with vegetables. What happened was a little bit different.

I guess it was inevitable. He discovered cookies. And chips. And crackers. And pasta. And bread. Basically, my toddler eats like he’s carb-loading for a marathon. Which I guess makes sense considering the fact that he spends most of his waking hours in motion, running, jumping, climbing and hurdling all over the place.

I did develop a few tricks to get the occasional green food into this rambunctious boy, like making home-made squeezers with some of his favorite fruits while sneaking in kale or spinach. I also found that he’s more likely to eat vegetables if he’s involved in the cooking process, like the night we made mashed cauliflower together and he cleaned his plate! This weekend at the grocery store, a genius idea came over me- why don’t I let him pick his own produce? We strolled through the vegetable section and he selected avocados and a green bell pepper. I don’t know who was more excited about that pepper, him or me!

During lunch the next day, I cut the pepper into “sticks” and arranged it carefully on his plate with a dipping cup full of hummus. He took one bite of the pepper and I heard him say under his breath, “…yuk.”  He immediately gathered up all of the pepper slices and moved them off of his plate onto the table, saying, “Just chips please. Just chips.”  I was actually too busy laughing at his meticulous and oddly polite request to be upset about it.  I handed him some tortilla chips to go with his hummus instead. And a squeezer.

At two years and one month old, B is officially 35 inches tall and weighs in at nearly 30lbs. His new favorite toy (his own words) is his Blaze monster truck. He loves pretending, racing, playgrounds, playing with his cousins, and so much more. He dislikes bedtime, being interrupted, and of course, vegetables.