Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Potty Training

Toddler B is now officially two and a half, and this past weekend we decided to level up and potty train. Since I had 4 days off for the 4th of July weekend, we declared independence from diapers on Friday and went straight to regular underwear (if there’s anything regular about underwear with Thomas the Train all over it) without looking back!

I had a three-day plan for potty training, written by a very reputable mom with a gazillion kids who says she potty-trained all of her children this way and it worked for every one. I also had a potty-training set that included a handbook for parents, a board book for a toddler boy, and best of all- sticker charts. Equipped with the tools of the modern first-time mom, B and I embarked on our adventure, and I subsequently embarked on cleaning every floor in the house. And a sofa. And my bed sheets. And his bed sheets. And 16 pairs of tiny Thomas the Train underwear.

Yeah, the first day was a little rough, but what got me through it (aside from Swiffer wet pads and a bottle of oxy-clean) was B’s positive attitude. He was such a go-getter and he tried so hard that he earned a couple of stickers just for his enthusiasm. The following day, we had a couple of successful trips to the potty! We even had a dry, uninterrupted night’s sleep. Sunday, we only had a few accidents! And another night of dry, uninterrupted sleep! Monday was July 4th, and it started out just fine. But let’s just say we felt more like the British than the Patriots by the end of the night.

There was an accident immediately after his nap on the bedroom floor, and another accident during the festivities that evening. When we returned home an hour past his bedtime, we discovered someone else had an accident on our bed- the dog. We don’t know if he was afraid of the fireworks or if he was simply re-claiming all that had been peed on during the past few days. Either way, between the toddler and the dog and losing count of the loads of laundry, I was getting defeated. That night B didn’t want to go potty before bed, and I discovered that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t make someone do what they don’t want to do. Your only hope is to make them want to do what you want them to do. He wasn’t having it. Then, at 4am, we all got a wake-up call. It was Toddler B screaming “I’m peeing!” from his crib.

Today is day 6 of the 3-day potty training plan and after a rough start to the week I think it’s looking up. He was dry all last night, and earned another sticker tonight right before bed. I just know he'll get it soon.

As George Washington once said, “Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.” Toddler B has both in spades. Even at two and a half.