Sunday, September 25, 2016

Oh, Boy!

As I reach the halfway point of my pregnancy, it’s hard not to try to compare it to the first time around, two and a half years ago with Baby B. During my first pregnancy, I felt like I was constantly starving, I craved red meat and hearty meals, I had morning sickness, severe fatigue, and as soon as I could feel him move he never seemed to stop. This time around has been the complete opposite. With very little nausea, relative comfort, cravings of fruits and vegetables, and a baby that seems to be sleeping during most of the day, I was sure that baby had to be different. By different, I assumed a girl.

Then, we saw the ultrasound. We didn’t find out the sex during our appointment and chose to look away while the tech wrote the results down in an envelope so we could keep it a surprise. But, after getting a look at that tiny growing baby, I wasn’t so sure anymore. The next morning we found out Toddler B is getting a little brother!

We are so excited to get to know our baby a little more, and to be halfway to meeting him in person.

We started to brainstorm some names during dinner, but haven’t come up with anything we can agree on yet. When we asked Toddler B what he wanted to name his little brother, he gave a confident and… unique answer: “One-Hundred.” 

Baby “One-Hundred” is about the size of a banana and weighs about 12 oz. He is starting to hear sounds outside the womb, and definitely responds to the world around him. During the anatomy ultrasound, we saw the windup and felt the kick! He did not like getting nudged around by the camera.