Sunday, December 18, 2016

Santa is Coming to Town

The holiday season can be stressful even when you’re not carrying a bowling ball everywhere while planning for its arrival and chasing his older brother around. Every parent wants to create picture-perfect moments for their children, especially during this time of year. As a parent, you get to see the magic of Christmas come alive again through a child’s eyes. Participating in all of the traditions and activities can be so much fun! It can also be exhausting.

Between shopping, decorating, wrapping, and planning, I signed up for the annual “Breakfast with Santa” event at the community center. My family already had the perfect Christmas photo at the park for our holiday cards. Now, all of my friends were posting adorable Santa photos with their children on Facebook, and this would be a great opportunity to allow Toddler B to sit on his lap, talk about his Christmas list, and smile for a picture I could look back on years from now and admire his adorableness. In the past, our photos looked like this:

I just knew this was our year. With two Christmases under his belt, B would finally be comfortable enough to willingly sit and smile and receive a gift as a reward for his photogenic behavior. The event included breakfast, crafts, cookie-decorating, and or course, a meeting with Santa.

There we were, watching family after family lead their children up to Santa, snap a photo and create that perfect moment- tiny people in tiny sweaters sitting on the big guy’s lap, smiling with joy. Soon, it was our turn. We escorted our toddler to the platform on which Santa was perched. But that’s as far as we got. As we bent down to pick him up, Toddler B wrestled out of our arms, practically tearing off his own shirt in the process. He ran across the room, unable to be convinced or swayed. “No!” he said, with a decisiveness well beyond his two years. He never got close enough to sit on a lap, talk about his Christmas list, or get that pinterest-worthy photo. We calmed him down and sat back at our table and decorated cookies. He had a great time and it didn’t matter that the point of it all had been missed.

In reality, I’m the one who missed the point. If all of this effort was for him to make holiday memories and have fun, what did it matter that I didn’t get to post a perfect photo? On the plus side, I don’t have to worry about him getting kidnapped by a guy in a red suit with a white beard.

Later in the week, we started a new holiday tradition. In lieu of the annual “Santa photo” we’re going to do a letter. I helped him write his first one.  He wants three very specific hot wheels cars from the movie, “Cars.”

Of course the best gift will come 8 weeks later.