Friday, March 10, 2017

Party of Four

To new mothers, they all say “sleep when the baby sleeps.” But what do you do when the baby is sleeping, and your 3-year-old baby is wide awake and running around the house playing chase with the dog, seconds from waking your baby baby? That, I’ve quickly learned, is life with two.

Baby Bro is one month old today and already making our noisy, hectic house feel more complete. His little coos, adorable expressions and sleepy snuggles have made me fall in love and it’s not just me. His older brother is absolutely infatuated! Toddler B wants to help whenever and however possible. He hands me clean diapers during changing, comforts him when he starts to cry, and doesn’t want to leave his side. It has made naptime very interesting, if nonexistent.

It hasn’t all been snuggles and cuddles. Toddler B is transitioning from being an only child to sharing the spotlight. Combined with the fact that he’s now officially a “threenager,” it means he’s taken negotiating to a new level. Every time I tell him “no” I catch a glimpse of his future as an attorney. Bringing home a newborn also means transitioning as parents from one potty-trained child who can articulate his every need, to diapering, crying and guessing- is he hungry? Sleepy? Gassy? Thankfully the answers to those questions come more easily the second time around.

We’ve been a family of four for one month now and though it takes a bit of adjustment, it feels as if we were always waiting for Baby Bro to arrive and multiply the happiness in our home.
At one month, Baby Bro likes: sleeping, playing on his play mat, listening to his brother sing songs, being outside, and snuggling.

He dislikes: garlic, we think.