Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Baby's First Tour

With just a couple of weeks left of my maternity leave, we decided to take Baby Bro to my hometown to visit my side of the family. That's right. We voluntarily packed up our three-year-old and 10-week-old and took them on a non-stop flight across the country. Ever hold your breath for four and a half hours? Well, it worked. They were both perfect angels!

Baby Bro got to meet his uncle, aunt, cousins, Papa, Nana, Grandmama, Buelo, and my grandmother, his "Grammy." What a wonderful time he had snuggling and babbling at all of those doting grandparents! Meanwhile, Big Bro was having a blast with his cousins at the petting zoo, playground, play place, and more. I even got to celebrate my birthday with my mom's angel food cake with chocolate frosting- a tradition I hadn't experienced in a decade.

It was wonderful to spend time with family and friends, and a rare opportunity to get everyone in one beautiful photo:

Soon enough it was back to Arizona and for me, back to work. My maternity leave ended as Baby Bro turned three months old.

At three months, he likes: smiling, songs, being outside, trying to roll both ways, eating, being tickled, and his brother.

He dislikes: Being startled and garlic.