Friday, August 11, 2017

School Days

In Arizona, August doesn’t mean the end of summer heat. It’s not even close. Last year I had to cut off the sleeves of Big B’s Halloween costume to cool it down. I used to associate an autumn chill in the air, colored leaves and colored crayons as the end of summer signified the beginning of a new school year. Maybe that’s why this caught me off guard.

Last week, Big B had his very first day of preschool. And the only tears were mine.

We arrived early to make sure he had time to settle in. I packed healthy snacks in a lunchbox that matched his backpack, made sure he had his water bottle, some extra clothes, and everything else I’d meticulously prepped the night before along with his first day of school outfit. I’d combed his hair and we took his photo and held his hand all the way to the door. Just before he set out to meet the other kids at the playground he gave a half-hearted hug, said “Bye mommy!” and ran off.

I only cried a little. And in truth, I’m so excited for him and this new adventure starting school. That first day we went out to lunch afterwards with his Lola and Papu. B talked about circle time, singing songs, and making friends. When I asked what their names are he replied, “the kid in the black shirt.”

I guess we’ll have to keep working on those social skills. But now that he’s in school, he’ll get plenty of practice.

Meanwhile, Baby Bro is celebrating his half birthday! At six months old, he is 19lbs, 27inches.

He likes: eating everything mommy makes for him (except kale), hugs, blowing raspberries on my face, trying to crawl, playing with his brother, playing in the pool or tub, and so much more.

He dislikes: being left alone, and sleep.