Tuesday, October 10, 2017

To My Threenager with Love, and Vengeance

Children are amazing, loving, curious, hilarious, wonderful people that warm our hearts and give us renewed priorities and purpose. They are reflections of our own personalities. They are gifts. But sometimes, they are the worst.

A final tantrum at the end of a long day, an early morning wake up call demanding breakfast in a tone I’d never dare use with my own parents, or a display of stubborn persistence in front of total strangers, are just some of the things that have had me turning to my better half and plotting a unique revenge.

You see, I have just 12 short years to plan the easiest way to get even. Just wait for the awkward, self-conscious teen years. Just you wait.

I will be the most embarrassing mother the world has ever seen. I will print t-shirts with your photo on it and wear them to all of your athletic events. And I won't use a current picture. I'll use that adorable photo from your first bath. I'll wake you up every morning just as the sun peers over the horizon with that bowl of cereal you’ve been screaming about. I'll give you hugs and kisses in front of all your friends. I will cheer the loudest, tell the punniest jokes, and brag and exaggerate to everyone about everything you do.

I get it, you have rough days. It's hard being three. Everything is new, nothing is built for you, and you don't know how to manage when you're hungry, tired or adjusting to change.

But there's one thing that will never change. I’m your mother and I’ll always love you. Even through the meltdowns, I will love you. When you're at your worst, I will love you harder. And if that means through your teen years you'll be embarrassed by it, well then that's just an added bonus I can look forward to.

While Big Bro is busy with all of the ups and downs of being three, Baby Bro is now eight months old!

At 8 months, he likes: scooting everywhere, pulling to stand, playing with his bro, taking baths, babbling, snuggling, smiling, eating and being outside.

He dislikes: diaper changes and teething.