Saturday, February 10, 2018

One and Four

Three days, two birthdays, and I have a four year old and a one year old.

We celebrated Big Bro (formerly Baby B) with a Cars-themed party at a local park, complete with scooters and bikes and trails painted like tiny roads. B got a new scooter and loved riding it around with his friends.

I can’t get over how much he’s grown, learned and changed in the past year. He started preschool and can write his name and he’s starting to read. He has taken on the role of older brother with confidence and kindness. He’s social, smart, sweet, silly and spunky. He’s got the energy of a chihuahua after 12 cups of coffee. He’s full of fun and surprises. He’s charismatic and curious. He made me a mom and it’s an honor I’m thankful for every day.
Baby Bro is starting to show us his personality as well. Now one year old, he can hold his own when it comes to his big bro and their toys. He isn’t afraid to express his opinions with a point and yell or ask for “dada” or wave goodbye. He is cruising around, gaining the confidence he’ll need to walk. He’s got a sense of humor and loves to be chased. I can’t get enough of his sweet kisses and hugs. He loves to read books, play, and eat whatever’s on my plate. He completes our family of four, and made my heart grow beyond what I’d thought possible.

It’s been the shortest four years of my life, but time flies when you’re having fun.