Thursday, March 8, 2018

On the Move

Just days after his first birthday, Baby Bro stood up in the front yard one evening, and walked about five steps into my arms. We were all there to witness his first steps and yet even with two professional videographers as parents, neither of us had a camera in hand.

Since then, he has taken a few steps a day on his own, and the rest of the time he holds my hand as we wander aimlessly, stepping up and down the doorstep repeatedly or pacing over the stones in the backyard, or following his brother around the house. He could do it on his own be he prefers my hand to hold for now. I know “now” is so short I don’t mind at all.

Meanwhile, Big Bro is enjoying the scooter he got for his birthday, and the bike he got for Christmas. Recently at the neighborhood park, one of his friends let him try out a bicycle that had no training wheels. Big Bro hopped on and rode down the grassy hill like a pro. The two friends took turns riding down the hill over and over, getting faster and farther each time.

Watching the boys gain the courage to let go- whether it’s a hand or a set of wheels- are some of the best moments I’ve had as a mom. I can’t wait to see them on the move even more as Baby Bro’s walk turns into a run, and Big Bro learns to start off and go on his own bike. But for now, the short now, I’m happy to hold on.