Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Difference a Decade Makes

A couple weeks ago I turned 33. It’s amazing what can change in a decade. Here’s photo evidence- me on my 23rd birthday, and me on my 33rd:

What a difference a decade can make. Here I was, balloon-hatting it up in a Margaritaville in Panama City, Florida with my friends and then-boyfriend, some guy I’d met recently named Drew.

And ten years later, with two boys, one of whom ran a fever the night before, causing us to cancel our plans for a day trip celebration. Instead we went to the park he chose and snapped a few nice photos before he went zipping away on a scooter and the younger one went toddling toward some ducks.

Instead of dining and drinking with friends, (which I’d actually done a few nights prior to celebrate) we went to The Cheesecake Factory and got dessert to-go after the boys got too restless to stay in their seats.

Instead of staying out until two in the morning dancing and walking on the beach, I sat down on the sofa at 8:30pm. “What do you want to do?” Drew asked. I replied, “I want to sit on this couch. I want to watch tv. And eat a cheesecake.” And I did. It. Was. Glorious.

That 23-year-old girl might be a little skinnier and have more color in her face and fewer wrinkles by her eyes, but she has no idea what she’s doing. She barely knows who she is. She goes out with friends, she can hold her liquor, and has a love-hate relationship with her job. She doesn’t know that her boyfriend will become her husband. She doesn’t know the work she’s doing will bring her to Arizona to start a phase of life she’d always dreamed of.

This 33-year-old might not be the stereotype of “young and hip.” But if you want to chill on a sofa and eat some cheesecake, I’m always game. And I’ll even leave you most of the bottle of wine.

Meanwhile, this little guy is 15 months old today! He likes splashing in the water, playing with his big bro, eating, dancing, chatting, and laughing.
He dislikes diaper changes and staying still.