Friday, August 10, 2018

A Very Merry Unbirthday

Today Baby Bro is one and a half, and just two days ago the big boy turned 4 1/2! Now for us adults, a trip halfway around the sun is no big deal but for a preschooler and a toddler it means a lot.

It means the difference between crawling and running. The difference between pointing and grunting, and using short sentences or following a set of instructions. It’s the difference between writing his name with a fist clenched around a pencil, and playing a game of scrabble (with assistance from mom of course.) It’s the difference between cautiously entering a preschool classroom, and strolling in with confidence for the start of a second year, showing around the younger students.

In the last six months these boys have grown inches and leaps in emotional and intellectual development. In the words of the all-knowing muppets from Sesame Street, they’re growing stronger, smarter and kinder. And we couldn’t be more proud.

At 4 1/2, big bro likes pretending, playing with friends, riding his scooter, cooking, singing and dancing. He dislikes not getting his way and having to wait. (Who doesn’t?)

At 18 months, baby bro likes imitating his older brother, snuggles, stories, playing with trains, singing and dancing. He dislikes things that are too heavy to pick up, and the cover of the Ice Age dvd. (Who doesn’t?)