Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why You Should Avoid the Hallway

When you become a parent, everyone tells you you’ll develop an unusual interest in poop, especially as a conversation topic. You’ll analyze the color, odor, and consistency of everything that comes out of your precious miracle’s rear end. What they don’t tell you is it doesn’t stop there. Poop will push its way into the center of attention in your household for years to come. Often times, the number one topic of conversation will be number two. And frankly, it stinks. Take it from me, I just finished washing poop out from between my toes.

It started with Baby Bro’s recent interest in the potty. He’s only 19 months old but when he started showing signs of potty training, I decided to get out Big Bro’s little potty to see what happened. He sat on it a couple of times and went in it once. After a few days, I asked if he wanted to go potty and he replied “yes,” but as soon as I took off his diaper I found it was already full. And as soon as I saw, he was already running down the hallway. I ran after him, but needless to say, I did not make a clean exit.

With potty-training ahead of us, I’m sure it will result in more defecation conversation dominating our household. But for now, I think I’ll keep changing diapers a little while longer.