Thursday, January 10, 2019

Digital Illiteracy

I was helping Big Bro write a birthday card when he asked me a simple question: “Can I watch you write it?”

Right then, I realized a pretty big revelation. My son is learning to read and write, but he has very little example to follow. He’s not learning to read and type. He sees me texting and typing and doing everything digitally from asking Alexa for a grocery list to sending email, to writing posts on this blog. I do it all on my phone or tablet or through talk features. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d picked up a pen.

As a child, I watched my mom write lists and notes and checks and address letters that she sent from a real mailbox. Children learn through imitation. From the way he sweeps the floor or throws a ball or dances in the living room, my son has subconsciously absorbed my mannerisms, my demeanor, my awesome moves. And yet I’ve overlooked one of the most important building blocks for education and expression, the very thing I’ve made a living doing. 

What's a Millennial parent to do? Ask Alexa to show my son how to write? That's ridiculous, she doesn't have arms.

I’m not about to let my preschooler down. So, if you know me personally, you can expect more hand-written notes, snail mail and maybe even a personal check. I’m taking it back, old school.