Saturday, February 9, 2019

Five and Two

Five years never happened so fast.

Big bro is smart, curious, funny, athletic, and the sweetest boy I know. He is reading at a kindergarten level though he doesn’t start kindergarten until the fall. He rides his two-wheeler with no training wheels and takes his scooter to skate parks. He loves to sing and dance, to play in his own imagination for hours on end, to run around outside with a soccer ball or dressed in a superhero costume, and he’s the best big brother anyone could ask for.

Little Bro is now two years old and is bright, silly, adventurous, lovable, and growing so fast. He can (and will) hold a conversation with anyone who will listen. He rides his tricycle even though he can’t yet reach the pedals. He loves playing on playgrounds, snuggling with mommy, telling poop jokes, and doing everything his big brother does.

These two boys are my every reason. Just when I think I have them all figured out, they blow me away with a new skill or an act of kindness, or a sideways smile and a punchline. Watching their relationship grow is something I never expected but brings me so much joy. Happy birthday to my boys. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings.