Friday, August 31, 2012

Life on I-10

For the past three weeks, when people have asked where I live, I tell them I-10.  Half of my week I spend with my in-laws in Gilbert, and the other half I travel back to Tucson to live with my husband.  The road between, is interstate 10.  Which means that for the past three weeks I've spent more time than ever before, living here:
It's not bad at all.  I happen to think the dust, cacti and mountains in the distance during the two-hour drive between Tucson and Phoenix make for a much better experience compared to the bumper-to-bumper commute of tolls, smog and stress that many people in the country face during their daily commutes.  Earlier this Summer when Drew and I drove to Los Angeles for our 1-year-anniversary trip, I calculated that in the past 5 years I've actually driven every stretch of this road.  Clear across the country from coast to coast.  :)
Other than living on the interstate, my new and unique living situation has had some pretty cool advantages, one of which being the time that I get to spend with my niece and nephew, neither of which are ever at a loss for a moment of entertainment.  I took a few videos on my phone the past couple of weeks.  One during dinner:

In addition to the little peewees, I get to spend some time with the world's most docile cat:

Life on the road in Arizona can be desolate and dangerous with a whole lot of nothing in between cities and civilization.  But when it comes to living on a road, I think I've got it pretty good.

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