Friday, November 9, 2012

It's Settled.

Drew's leg is healing nicely, and we're officially settled into our new home.  It took several craigslist calls and a few cans of paint, but I'm very happy with what we were able to do with our furniture and some slightly used items.  It took us a lot longer to unpack here than it did when we moved to Tucson, but then again, we've got a lot more space to fill.

Here's the view of the living room, kitchen and dining area from the front hallway.

Here is the living room by itself.  I made those pillows to match the painting, courtesy of Heather Clements.

This is our kitchen table and pantry area. 

This kitchen is bigger than our previous one, so I've made it my new personal goal to do more cooking!

This is your room.  That's right, you.
Come visit us.

This is our hobby room.  Not shown in this picture is my craft table with scrapbooking, beading stuff, and sewing machine.

This is the guest bathroom.  I got a special corner shelf for the rest of my duck collection!  They're finally all together!

This is our master bathroom.  We got almost everything in here as wedding gifts.  Thanks!

This is our master bedroom.  I'd like to add a new bedspread and curtains.

This is the other half of our bedroom.  That dresser cost $35 on craigslist and I painted it and gave it new handles.  Good as new!

Now, for my favorite part:  The backyard:
Now that you've seen it online, come see it in person! :)

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