Friday, October 18, 2013

The Athlete

Maybe it's too early to start bragging about our baby who hasn't arrived yet, but in his 24th week of gestation I'm already convinced that he will be a fantastic athlete.  Why?  Because the little guy has the energy level of a marathon runner, and it seems he's already training around the clock.

It all started while I was watching an episode of Glee, (don't judge) and I felt powerful kicks every time the characters sang their own rendition of a Beatles song.  I couldn't tell if the kicks were in protest to the diminishment of music legends, or dance moves to a catchy beat.  I tested the next morning with a real Beatles song and got the same response!  Unfortunately, to mine and my husband's disappointment, he did not react the same way to Michael Jackson.  We're still running periodic tests.  

Ever since then, the activity level has sky-rocketed.  Often times I wake up at 4a.m. to realize my belly is dancing, and not in the veil and jingly scarf sort of way.  I have found a few things that seem to be triggers.  So far, they are: going to sleep, waking up, eating, drinking, music, laughing, Max laying on my lap, attending important meetings, watching zombie movies, and prenatal appointments.

Drew and I had our second parenting class this week, which also includes checking our own vitals.  We took my blood pressure, weight, and Drew gets to check the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler (my favorite part!) As soon as he found the familiar "womwomwom" of the heartbeat, it was interrupted by a loud "WOMP!" and the biggest kick I think I've ever felt.  The machine hadn't had time to register the heart rate, so he tried again.  "womwomwomWOMP!" And again.  

Three big kick later, we finally registered a heart rate of 150bpm, and a baby with impressive aim!

A runner, a dancer, a soccer player? I guess we'll have to wait a little while longer to find out.

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