Monday, June 22, 2015

Dogs Vs. Toddlers

We are lucky enough to have the most patient, docile, laid-back dog in the world. Max is about 7 years old according to staff at the animal shelter, and he joined our family just one year before Baby B. He and B get along very well when Max isn't getting his tail pulled, his eyes poked or chased around the room.  Some would say they're best friends, but they're more than that. They're brothers.
Like most brothers, they get into mischief, learn from each other and they have a lot in common. All traits that are endearing when I watch B share his snack with Max, alternating crackers between them while they sit together on the playroom floor. Other times their relationship surprises me, like the time I walked into the kitchen to see B with his arm wedged into the supposedly child-proof cabinet where we keep the dog treats, taking them out one by one and putting them into Max's open mouth. Max took the blame for that one. After all, he's older. He should know better than to exploit the opposable thumbs of the easily influenced. And, on occassion, I am downright appalled by the example Max sets for our 16-month-old son.
We recently started to introduce the concept of the "potty" to B, just to get him familiar with the concept. We sit him down on the potty after waking up in the morning or from naps, talk about poopie until he wants to get down and then let him flush the nothing down the toilet while we wonder if we anything we're doing is anything close to what other people do to potty train. B has since shown he understands the word "potty" and "poopie," so I guess we're doing something right.
During a recent test of this knowledge, however, when asked if he needed to go potty while we were playing outside at a water table, B said, "no" and walked away. I wasn't convinced, so I asked about poopie and he said "no" again. Then, he immediately walked to the middle of the backyard where he's seen Max "poopie" on several occassions, squatted down like a dog, and took a dump right there.
I'd really rather my son take bathroom habits from human beings, but I guess you can't help what a child absorbs and ignores. At least he's not trying to eat dirty diapers, something I've caught Max doing way too many times for it to not be embarrassing, even for a dog.
It was another one of Max's transgressions that really got me thinking about toddlers and dogs. We were all in our bedroom when I heard a noise from the kitchen one afternoon and I went running to stop Max from doing whatever he was doing once I realized he was unaccounted for. That's when I caught him, wrapper in mouth, starting to chow down on a brand new, entire loaf of bread he'd gotten off the counter. There were bite marks in the bread and bits of plastic all over the living room.
It was then that I realized... if the culprit hadn't been in the room at the time of my discovery, I really wouldn't have known who to blame.



Sunday, June 7, 2015

Shut up and Dance

For as long as I can remember, I've loved to dance. One of my earliest memories is Walking Like an Egyptian during a family get together. I took ballet in elementary school, joined the dance team during high school, took hip hop classes and taught swing dance in college and beyond. Dancing might run in the family. Despite what Drew would have most people believe, it runs in both sides for Baby B.

It's not just in the genes, it's environmental. I went to the live performance of So You Think You Can Dance at 8 months pregnant. We've been known to have the occasional morning dance party at the house. Toddler B is the son of two former musicians, rhythm runs in the family. It's no wonder this boy loves to move it. A couple of weeks ago he heard Michael Jackson in the other room and ran so fast, he completely wiped out in the hallway, picked himself up and started dancing. Now that's a born performer.

Over the course of his short life so far, he has accumulated quite the lengthy repertoire. Every time he surprises us with a new move we try to catch it on camera. Here's a quick compilation of Baby B's evolution of dance: