Sunday, June 7, 2015

Shut up and Dance

For as long as I can remember, I've loved to dance. One of my earliest memories is Walking Like an Egyptian during a family get together. I took ballet in elementary school, joined the dance team during high school, took hip hop classes and taught swing dance in college and beyond. Dancing might run in the family. Despite what Drew would have most people believe, it runs in both sides for Baby B.

It's not just in the genes, it's environmental. I went to the live performance of So You Think You Can Dance at 8 months pregnant. We've been known to have the occasional morning dance party at the house. Toddler B is the son of two former musicians, rhythm runs in the family. It's no wonder this boy loves to move it. A couple of weeks ago he heard Michael Jackson in the other room and ran so fast, he completely wiped out in the hallway, picked himself up and started dancing. Now that's a born performer.

Over the course of his short life so far, he has accumulated quite the lengthy repertoire. Every time he surprises us with a new move we try to catch it on camera. Here's a quick compilation of Baby B's evolution of dance:

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