Friday, August 21, 2015

Top 10 Things You Know When You're a Mom in AZ

It takes a special kind of mom to raise children in Arizona, especially with this summer's record-setting heat! Here are some of the things only us AZ moms can understand:

1. Skinned knees year-round because your kid wears shorts every day.

2. Cart covers... not just for germs, but for burns.

3. Ice pack coolers for car seats

4. An emphasis on swim lessons in a state with no water. Pools. Everywhere.

5. Birthday parties at the playground, the zoo, the train park, the water park... what's a rain plan?

6. The genius that is the Noggle.

7. The terrifying realization that the Grand Canyon is no place for a toddler. Who's idea was this road trip?

8. Camelback water bottles. Never leave home without them.

9. How to keep those pesky scorpions under control.

10. For more than 300 days of sunshine, we wouldn't have it any other way!

At his 18 month check up, Baby B weighed in at 25lbs and 34 inches tall!

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