Monday, January 16, 2017

Almost Ready

At 36 weeks, we're officially a month away from our baby boy. After a pretty rough third trimester riddled with cold virus after cold virus because of my compromised immune system, I'm finally feeling normal again, or at least as normal as one can feel while carrying a bowling ball around in their stomach all day and night. I recently came to an agreement with my baby bump, that he'll arrive at a time and date convenient with my busy schedule. After all, it's the least he can do for putting me through all that discomfort.

So far, he's holding up his end of the bargain as we get ready for his arrival and I wrap up our most important project of the year at work, as well as plan Toddler B's third birthday party. I still have a few things to check off my list- install the infant car seat, pack a hospital bag, etc. But we recently completed one major transition that was essential for baby's arrival- B's big boy bed.

If there's one pregnancy stereotype that's true in my case, it's nesting. I love getting the house ready for a new baby even if it means redesigning a toddler room instead of a nursery. Since we already have what we need for a baby from Toddler B, I was excited to take on the task of painting, planning and assembling everything in his brand new room. Don't worry, I wore a medical mask while painting and I only lifted half a bed. Despite crazy looks from my
husband for being a little too ambitious for someone in their third trimester, we finished B's new superhero room just in time for the
new year. He loves his new room and his new bed!

The nursery has been converted back into a true nursery with diapers and all, and is waiting for its new tenant. 

At 36 weeks, baby boy weighs almost 6lbs and should be about 18 inches long (although the kicks in my ribcage indicate he may be as tall as his brother was.)

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