Friday, April 21, 2017

Rescuers, Train Wrecks and a Happy Spider

One of the most rewarding experiences as a mom and as a creative with a vivid imagination, has been witnessing the way toddler B's imagination takes over. As a kid, I would've much rather played outside as a fairy or witch or power ranger than watch tv or play video games. B seems to be following suit, pretending the day away and making up elaborate storylines and characters to go with it. It's been one of my favorite parts of being on maternity leave; watching as he creates his own world within our playroom. One moment he's a firefighter spraying out the blaze on the sofa, the next he's towing away wreckage from a train crash on his train table, or selling me vegetables in his grocery store.

He even has an imaginary friend. It's an ironic one for a 3-year-old whose father has a bit of arachnophobia. B's friend "Happy Spider" has been a part of our household for several months. It's a small black spider, about the size of his hand. He joins us for meals, drives B's toy cars around, rides with him on his bike, and takes naps when baby bro has to sleep. When he first arrived, I thought he slept with B, so I offered to tuck him in. B looked at me like I was crazy and replied "he's at home in his cave." I've since learned happy spider has a family of his own, but they haven't been to our house. (Thank God, because I don't know if we can take any more spiders, real or imaginary)

Sometimes Happy Spider even makes an appearance around friends who are non-imaginary. This week at the playground, B was playing with some new friends and I overheard him tell them that happy spider was coming too. I couldn't help but notice it was Happy Spider who was afraid to climb all the way to the second level of the playground, not Toddler B. It reminds me of Big Bird and Snuffleupagus. I just hope this figment of B's imagination stays imaginary!

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