Monday, February 10, 2020

Six and Three

It's been six years since I became a mom and three years since we became a family of four. The boys celebrated their birthdays this weekend with a Lego party complete with Lego building table, a bounce-house and dozens of toddlers and kindergartners running around having fun and eating sugar.

At age six, Big Bro stands nearly four feet tall. He is smart, kind, adventurous and a great big brother. He loves running, playing on the playground, playing with his friends, going to school, reading, all things Lego and Ninjago, and so much more. He dislikes bedtime and homework.

At age three and 38 inches tall, Baby Bro isn't much of a baby anymore. He is sweet, clever, funny and a snugglebug. He likes running around, playing with his brother, painting, playing with trains, listening to stories, and telling jokes. He dislikes bedtime, brushing his teeth, and sharing his toys.

It's been such a joy watching these two grow bigger and closer. I'd say these are the best ages, but I say that at every age. If you'd like to continue watching them grow on our blog, please visit and subscribe. We've switched blog hosting platforms to better customize and optimize our stories for your enjoyment!

And, added bonus- When you visit the new page you can listen to our first podcast! Let us know what you think!

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