Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's a....

We're officially halfway to having our baby, and we are celebrating every milestone of this incredible journey.  That's why Drew and I decided to put our own impatience aside when it came time to learn the sex of the baby, and reveal the result with our friends and family at a gender reveal party!

Even though we had our anatomy ultrasound appointment Wednesday afternoon, one photo remained sealed in an envelope until Saturday morning. With the help of our poker-faced brother-in-law, we were able to let him hold onto the temptation and assist with the presentation, which we revealed at the party and live on the web for friends and family back East and overseas:

It's going to be a baby boy!  

We both had a feeling that the little one who recently started kicking me had the feet of a... soccer star, maybe?  In terms of health, HE is still doing very well at 14oz with a heart rate of 148bpm.  Here's his latest photo:

And, we're one more month along, so here's my latest photo:

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