Sunday, February 2, 2014

Packed and Ready

With just one week left until our due date, Drew and I are completely prepared!  Well, we're prepared for a trip to the hospital. I'm not sure we'll ever be prepared for the trip home with the tiny human that will make us a family.  

Our cameras are charging and ready.  I've packed a bag for myself and one for the baby boy.  Mine's the one with the snacks and the teddy bear.  I'll be experiencing the most physical pain I've ever had in my life, I'm not too proud to admit that I may require the help of Teddy.  Plus, later on I can say I just brought it for the baby.

Not pictured here is Max's overnight bag. He will be having a sleepover with his best friend (my 2-year-old niece) while we're gone.  It's hard to tell if he knows what's happening but I think with the changes going on in the house he knows something big is coming.

And hopefully that something will be here soon!

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