Saturday, May 7, 2016

Big Boy’s Busy Month

This past month has been a whirlwind of fun and adventure! First, we had a visit from Toddler B’s cousins, my brother and his family from Virginia! We visited the zoo, children’s museum, playgrounds, and stayed busy doing laps around the kitchen. Maybe that last one was just the kids. It was great getting all of B’s cousins together. I love watching all of them play.
Next, we hopped on a plane and traveled to Florida for our friends’ wedding and some beach time! We had a blast spending time with our best friends and soaking up the sand and surf. (Arizona has enough sun, but we really missed the water!)

April wrapped up with my birthday as I turned the big 3-1. But, while I may be the one hitting a new year, B is the one taking major steps into “big boy” territory.

This week, he got rid of his pacifier. We told him he was a big boy and didn’t need it anymore, and he threw it in the garbage can himself, proudly saying, “Bye paci!” He seemed fine! And he was, until seconds before I put him in his crib that night when he asked, “can I have a different paci?”

For the next half hour over the baby monitor we heard him sadly talking to the darkness, saying, “I want another paci.” “Is there another paci I can use?” Holding back tears, I tucked him in again and again, telling him he didn’t need it. During the last tuck-in of the night, he looked up and said, “I don’t need my paci anymore.” That was Monday night, and he has gone to sleep just fine without it since.

As with all of his major transitions, I had prepared myself for several sleepless nights and endless crying. And, as with all of his major transitions, he took it in stride and adjusted quickly with very little protest. I only cried a little... when I tucked him in tonight without his paci and realized, he really is a big boy.

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