Friday, May 20, 2016

Carpool Karaoke

Anybody who knows me knows that I love to sing in the car. I usually have the radio tuned to a top 40 station and as I drive around town I belt out Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, and whoever else happens to have the latest catchy tune that’s fun to sing and pass the time while driving. Sometimes I forget there’s a little guy in the back seat listening to every word, remembering every note, and on occasion I hear him chime in at the top of his lungs during the chorus. And it’s hilarious. But, after a recent lunch just the two of us at a pizza place occupied primarily by burly men on their lunch break from the nearby auto repair shop, I realized I may need to alter my driving habits. Or at least my choice of music.

The pizza place had their radio on and as we were eating, suddenly out of nowhere, B must have felt moved by the music. “Is it too late now to say soooorrryyyy” he blared without using his inside voice, loud enough for everyone to hear and start snickering around me. Oh, that just egged him on. Before I knew it, I was stifling my laughter while my little showman entertained the whole restaurant with his rendition of Taylor Swift’s Wildest Dreams. There’s something about a two-year-old singing the lyric, “handsome as heelllll” in his little toddler voice that’s completely adorably wrong. I was near tears I was laughing so hard, and my face was red as I uttered, “ok, mommy is going to have to pick a new favorite radio station.”

I’m sure one day I’ll embarrass him in a public place, maybe even more than once. He better hope it doesn’t involve singing.

In the meantime, I’ll be picking up the latest copy of Elmo’s Greatest Hits for our next car ride.

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