Sunday, August 28, 2016

Baby Bautista: Take Two

In just six months, we will be adding a new baby to our family! Toddler B is getting promoted to big brother, and though he’s not entirely sure of what’s going on, over the coming months it will start to be clear that something big is happening. That something big will be my belly… even though right now it’s barely a glimpse of what’s to come:

I’ve heard that every pregnancy is different and that’s definitely true in this case! This time I’m chasing a toddler around. Napping every time I feel fatigued and exhausted is no longer an option, although I’ve taken advantage of B’s naptime. This time around the first trimester nausea was almost non-existent aside from a few bad mornings. The cravings have been completely different. Instead of tacos, red meat and comfort food, I’ve had a hard time resisting any kind of fruit or vegetable. Maybe I’m having a vegetarian?

I’m not going to speak too soon but so far it’s been as easy and pleasant as anyone could hope for. Baby is about the size of an avocado and we have a ways to go before it’s a watermelon, but we are so excited about our growing family!

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