Sunday, August 7, 2016

If Adults Had Toddler Problems

One of my favorite phrases is, “Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff.” In a toddler’s world, the opposite is definitely true. It’s all big stuff. A few of B’s biggest problems lately had me thinking if the roles were reversed, how would the world operate? If the problems of toddlers weighed on adults, productivity, society, the economy- it’d all go out the window.

An adult would walk into work an hour late and have to explain to their boss, “two of my Golden Grahams were stuck together this morning so I had to spend twenty minutes wailing in agony at the kitchen table until mom poured me a new bowl.”

At lunch, they’d spill food on their shirt and have an absolute meltdown because “My shirt is wet and I don’t want to wear any shirts that don’t have Thomas the Train on them.” Not to mention, it’s pajamas. That they’ve been wearing for nearly 48 hours.

They’d go to the bathroom and later cry inconsolable alligator tears because “mommy flushed my poopy before I could show daddy.”  Yes, that happened. And it was both tragic and hilarious at the same time.

Countries would be torn apart over the concept of having to share toys. Regimes would fall at the notion that a leader should put on his socks. We would sooner go to war than eat a vegetable, and no one would ever sleep because that would require a bedtime.

Isn’t it good we all grow up? Or, what wouldn’t we give for those problems to be the biggest in the world.

B is 2 and a half today, and though his problems may seem small, he is such a big boy. His personality, his energy, and his love are larger than life. He makes us laugh every day, even if it’s the kind of laughter I have to hold in while consoling a boy who just wanted to show daddy his poopie.

At 2.5, B likes: trains, planes, cars, building, running, swimming, snuggling, his cousins and friends, mommy, daddy and max, and most of all, cereal.

He dislikes: bedtime, broccoli, and having to wait.

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