Sunday, August 4, 2013

Coming Soon: Baby Bautista!

You read that right!  Drew and I are adding to our little family.  Max will be joined by Baby Bautista next February, and that means a lot of changes in our household and of course, in me!

I found out I was expecting shortly before our second anniversary, so I thought to myself, "what better way to tell Drew?"  Here's how he found out: 
After our wonderful anniversary dinner, we set out to buy a copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting," so that we could read up on the months ahead.  For me, pregnancy meant making some major adjustments.  I didn't want to do anything halfway, so anything in or on my body that could potentially have a negative effect on the that little one now sharing this space, I gave up.  Here are just a few things from that long list:

-caffeine (yes, coffee AND soda)
-Feta, Brie and Goat cheese
-Bumper cars
-Any and all skin products with harmful chemicals (Which included my entire collection of facial cleansers and anti-wrinkle products)
-Any and all crazy death-defying activities like bungee-jumping or sky-diving

The good news is, pregnancy isn't all sacrifice.  There are many symptoms that most women experience either during the first trimester or their whole duration.  Some of those symptoms are like superhuman powers!  Here are my new superpowers:

- superhuman sense of smell
- super-efficient kidneys
- super fast growing hair and nails
- super ability to nap through anything

I realize these are the absolute lamest superpowers of all time, but  I'm still trying to think of a good superhero name to go along with these powers. All I could think of so far is "The Amazing Potty-Dancing Narcoleptic."   Suggestions are encouraged.

In addition to the powers, I acquired a few weaknesses.  That includes a constant fatigue, on and off nausea and food aversions to- at one point it seemed like everything.  I originally intended to eat a healthy, all-natural organic diet of mostly fruits and vegetables.  Those intentions quickly turned into eating whatever didn't trigger nausea upon sight or smell.  For about a month, my diet consisted of Ritz crackers, toast, gingerale, and then tacos.  Lots of tacos.  For some reason I will eat anything as long as it's in taco form.  

Another staple in my diet is popsicles.  Every pregnancy comes with its own challenges, and like many situations, Arizona presents a particular challenge in this case.  Most doctors and books will tell you not to submerge your body into temperatures that are above 101 degrees. This means no hot tubs or saunas.  But what if you live in a sauna?  It's August in Arizona.  Nine weeks into my pregnancy it was 118 degrees outside and hadn't rained for 4 months.  Just getting into my car to drive to lunch knocked the wind out of me and brought the morning's  lovely nausea back in full force.  Staying hydrated and staying cool posed a problem.  My solution: pineapple popsicles.  As the long Summer continues, you may want to invest in Dole, because those icy treats are succeeding in keeping me below my boiling point, and providing a delicious healthy dose of fruit for me and this little one:

Needless to say, from this day forward, Our Life in A-Z will revolve around the little one we love so much and can't wait to meet.  In true future-mom-blog fashion, here are the monthly photos so far:

No, not much has changed on the outside. But trust me if you ask my lovely husband who recently drove through two restaurants just to get me what I wanted for dinner-  he can verify.  I'm pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. coconut water for hydration!! it's the most hydrating form of water. foco is one of the best brands out there, you can order cases from amazon. they're loaded with potassium and magnesium and different yummy fruit purees. pomegranate is my fav, mango is a very close second. as far as facial cleansers, use raw honey! it's natually antibacterial and locks in moisture leaving your face and skin super smooth and soft. try her blogs are awesome and for more info and benefits of coconut water. i always drink one after a long run. beware, coconut WATER, NOT JUICE. stay beautiful and growing that strong baby in that belly!!

    with much love,

