Friday, August 30, 2013


If I were a restaurant owner, I'd target one demographic:  pregnant women.  I think if all marketing campaigns were geared toward pregnant women, they would be wildly successful. Why?  Because right now I will pretty much eat anything I see, or picture in my mind.  I see a Big Mac commercial, I'm in the car on my way to McDonald's faster than you can suggest a healthy banana or protein bar for a snack instead.  That's right, snack.   

In my "pre-pregnant" or "natural" state, I have a taste for seafood and Mediterranean food more than any other.  Drew has always been the meat and potatoes guy.  But now, I want nothing more than to ditch fish and eat burgers and steak all day long.  Baby Bautista definitely has the Bautista stomach, and as the little one is poised to triple in weight this month, I'm hungrier than I've ever been in my life.  In addition, it seems once I've got my mind on eating something in particular, I can't think of anything else until I do.

One night, Drew and I tried the Friday night food truck court, and discovered a truck called "Liberty Biscuits" that sells nothing but variations of biscuits and gravy.  I'd only eaten biscuits and gravy once before, when I first moved to Florida, but after trying it from this food truck with a fried egg on top, I was hooked.  We set out the next week again to get just that, but this time when we arrived the truck driver or truck chef, (I guess he does both) stuck his head out of the window and said four of the saddest words I'd heard in a long time- "Sorry, we're all out."

Poor Drew must have had a flashback to that day in Jason's Deli.  We looked around at the other trucks, but I knew none could compete with biscuits and gravy.  Then, we remembered  this restaurant down the street:

Surely they would have the best biscuits and gravy in the world with a name like that! We were pleasantly surprised to see they were open (for 15 more minutes) but unpleasantly surprised to find that they were only open for a Friday Fish Fry Dinner special. I thought all hope was lost when Drew and I walked over to the hostess to let her know we were planning to leave and come back for breakfast, and then Drew blurted out, "She's pregnant and really wants biscuits and gravy."  The hostess lit up and started reminiscing about her pregnancy cravings when she was carrying her daughter.  She ran in the back and convinced the cook to revive some biscuits and gravy for me!  It was delicious.
Nothing like finding some good old Southern hospitality and good old Southern biscuits and gravy in the heart of Arizona.

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